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What do you need to bring to the appointment?

When you come for an appointment, you will need to bring with you a form of identification which will usually be your passport together with the documents you require to be notarised.

In order to expediate the process, we usually ask that you email the documents to us that you require to be notarised. This allows our Notary Public to prepare the required notarial certificate (if required) prior to your arrival which will minimise the time required to complete the process and at the same time he can advise you of the cost involved.

Are we available weekends, public holidays and outside of business hours?

We understand that the services of a Notary Public in certain cicumstances is urgent and our Notary Public makes himself available in such circumstances whenever possible.

If your matter is urgent please contact Tom Mutavdzija on his mobile  0421 625 256 or via his email on Alternatively, go to the Contact page of this website, and Tom Mutavdzija will contact you.

Are we available to attend your premises?

Depending on the circumstances, yes we are available to attend your premises.

What fees do we charge for notarial work? 

Once we speak with you and have had an oppurtunity to view your documents, we can then advise you of the cost involved. 

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation 

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